What Activities to Include in Your Stag Do

Shake up those generic stag-do plans with something a little different. These suggestions mean you won’t have to spend a huge amount of money and most importantly, they offer the chance for everyone to get involved on equal footing.

There are plenty of ways to make yours one to remember. Here are suggestions for stag do activities you might not have thought of.

Sports day

While you may associate sports days with being back at school, that doesn’t mean you can’t go all out with your adaption to celebrate your upcoming marriage. Sports are a great way to help groups bond, particularly when some individuals may not know one another.

It inspires a touch of competitiveness between friends too and helps people create memories centred around team bonding, which is ideal ahead of the wedding. Tailor it however you like – you could include space hopper races, football matches, egg and spoon races, rounders, tug of war and more. Remember to bring prizes for the winners!

Online gaming

If you and your friends are gaming fanatics, an online gaming day is a great shout for a stag do. You won’t have to worry about the British weather or public transport letting you down and it’s a great way to include friends who live far away too.

Alternatively, you could host it in person, complete with a playlist, snacks and a gaming area that encourages people to socialise. You can bring out a range of board games or go for online bingo to mix things up a bit. Alternatively, why not give a murder mystery evening a go?


Cooking is another inclusive activity that will quite literally go down a treat. Revel in the satisfaction of creating your masterpieces and enjoy the fruits of your labour together after the session. Depending on the cooking class you choose, you may need to work together or it could have a competitive spin.

Choose from a range of cuisines, such as Indian, Italian or Mexican. Alternatively, you can choose a ‘The Great British Bake Off’ style experience where whoever makes the best baked good wins a prize. A less intensive version might involve a ‘bring a board’ evening with a film.

Outdoor Adventure

Swap an indoor activity for being in the great outdoors. Whether you choose a hike or another type of adventure activity, it’s a great opportunity to get those endorphins pumping.

There are rock climbing, mountain biking and white water rafting experiences to choose from and much more. Like the other activities mentioned, you can channel your competitive edge and encourage attendees to create new memories together ahead of the big day.


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