Eco-Conscious Craft: Elevating Beer with Sustainable Practices

As the summer fast approaches, the thought of a cold beer after work runs through the minds of many. But how does this impact our environment, and is it sustainable? 

We are all more conscious of the effects our actions have on the environment and more than ever, expect the brands we buy from to be sustainable in their development. Breweries worldwide are doing their bit to include eco-friendly measures into their craft, whilst proving it is still possible to create excellent beer.

Read on to explore how breweries across the globe can increase sustainability and work towards becoming a sustainable beer brand.

Sustainable Brewing: A Commitment to the Environment

Sustainable brewing is more possible than ever before and, as mentioned above, has a twofold benefit.

  1. It is morally the right thing to do to preserve our natural resources.
  2. Customers now rate sustainability as a major decision in their buying priorities.  

Making the move to sustainable brewing can involve the following steps: 

  • Sustainable packaging choices
  • Using renewable energy for power
  • Sensible Water usage
  • Community support

These practices not only build a sustainable beer brand, but they also set a standard in the industry, as well as creating a good reputation.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Sustainable Choices for a Greener Future

A revolution in what we use to package products has been seen across all industries in recent years. Customers are more aware than ever of their buying power Any product is going to have some sort of packaging associated with it, the most famous for breweries are perhaps the deadly plastic rings that hold 4 and 6 pack cans of beer together. These plastic rings, or yokes as they are sometimes known, were notorious fro entangling birds and ocean-going wildlife. Thankfully they are no longer a feature in the industry, instead plant bases can holders or eve glue are being used to keep cans firmly together.

Tennents were the first brewery to join the the UK Plastics Pact and have managed to remove single-use plastic from its packaging. It’s a good sign that large breweries are aware of the role they can play in making the drinks industry more sustainable.

Green Energy: Powering Breweries with Renewable Sources

Green energy is revolutionising the brewing industry by enabling breweries to power their operations with renewable sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy. By including these sustainable energy options into their process, Breweries can further reduce their carbon footprint whilst relying less on fossil fuels. Green energy comes with a host of benefits, from an environmental and business perspective, as not only does it help the environment, but it can also significantly reduce breweries energy costs in the long run.

Water Usage: Conserving the most valuable resource we have 

The brewing process uses a lot of water. Lets face it beer is 90-95% water, so how can breweries use less? While it would be hard to reduce the amount of water in the actual beer, it is very possible to reduce the amount of water used in the brewery for other purposes. The introduction of closed-loop systems for cooling processes is one of the most popular ways to preserve water. This method also usually means that less chemicals are required for the process as well.

Recycling waste water is also popular; in fact, some breweries partner with local farmers to use the treated waste water fro irrigation purposes.

Community Engagement: Supporting Local Sustainability Initiatives

The power of community is often overlooked when realistically, a community can make a world of difference. By attending local events like a cleanup, sponsoring environmental education programs and collaborating with local farms, breweries and consumers can push the message of sustainability locally.

By taking part in local events and making an effort to improve the sustainable practices of the community, breweries can improve their reputation while helping the efforts of those locally.

Continue the Journey Towards Sustainability

As breweries look into the future and the demand for more sustainable practices rise, it is crucial for all breweries to work towards becoming a sustainable beer brand. By including more sustainable packaging as well as more sustainable ingredient sourcing, breweries can make the world of difference environmentally.


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