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What is CBD Vape Oil?

Cannabidiol-infused products have their main ingredient derived from the cannabis plant. Among the many forms on the market, one of the most high-ranking methods is CBD oil for vape. This form is mixed with a carrier liquid (such as MCT) that has undergone various processes for use in a vape pen.

These vape oils usually come in a pre-filled cartridge, which is screwed into the vape pen. This component heats the liquid, which produces a safe vapour that the user inhales. The modern act of vaping has been dated back since the 2000s and is considered safer than smoking.

The vape oil comes in three primary forms:

  • Isolates – This is the purest form of cannabidiol and does not contain any other component of the cannabis plant.
  • Broad-spectrum – This contains other cannabinoids and other beneficial plant matter, but it contains no THC.
  • Full-spectrum – This type contains all the beneficial cannabinoids and THC from the cannabis plant.

Terpenes are also infused into these vape oils. A terpene is derived from the flower buds of plants and is responsible for the various aromas that plants emit. This compound is infused into the vape oil for a more therapeutic experience by giving the vapour a distinct smell and taste. The compound also affects how the body absorbs cannabidiol. However, vape oil can be used alone or combined with various ingredients and flavours.


What is the Difference between CBD Oil Vape and Cannabis Oil?

Since the terms surrounding this compound can become confusing, some users might make the critical mistake of vaping cannabis oil. This may pose dangerous risks to the user, as well as provide little to no cannabidiol. This confusion thus renders the product almost useless.

CBD oil for vape, on the other hand, cannot be used topically or ingested. The vape oil does not in fact contain any essential oils, as it is a type of oil (or liquid consistency) that is only suitable for e-cigarettes or vape pens. This mixture of oils produces a light vapour, which is suitable for the lungs.

Alternatively, cannabis oil tinctures cannot be used in vape pens. This is because vape oil is much thinner and is designed to be exposed to heat, while the oil tincture is too thick to be inhaled. This may cause severe side effects to the user if mixed up; therefore, it is important to distinguish vape oil from oil tinctures.

Cannabidiol oil, however, is created by mixing the oil with another carrier oil for various applications, such as topical applications, infusion into drinks and food or taken as-is. These oils are, however, not formulated or equipped to be exposed to high levels of heat.

It is important always to double-check the labels of these products to distinguish between the two easily. As far as possible, it is advised for users to purchase a ready-made CBD vape oil pen to avoid any confusion.


What are the Benefits of Using the Best CBD Vape Oil?

When the compound is ingested, it stimulates a system called endocannabinoid. This system controls and maintains various functions of the body by producing its cannabinoids. By maintaining these processes, the body can be in a state of equilibrium.

Vaping cannabidiol is the most preferred method of ingesting the compound, as shown below:

  • Vaping the compound can be done in various flavours and aromas. Alternatively, users can also opt for an odourless and flavourless vaping experience if they are sensitive to additives.
  • The CBD oil vape juice is available in different measures and options. This also includes availability of components such as battery-powered, pocket-friendly e-cigarettes, available in personalised options as well. Users can easily carry their vape pen anywhere, with its vapour disappearing after a short while.
  • The vape oil does not have any mind-altering effects, which means that the user will not feel any euphoria. This still applies with the use of full-spectrum products, as 0.3% of THC cannot produce any intoxicating effects.
  • It is one of the purest ingestion methods. When the compound is vaped, it only gives off a safe vapour, with no toxic chemicals that can harm the body and its systems.


CBD Vape Oil Works Quicker than Other Methods

Cannabidiol has many effects on the body and mind. However, the type of condition that users want to treat should influence their choice of ingestion. CBD oil vape is best suited for certain conditions, as it works rapidly when inhaled.

These conditions include:

  • Insomnia – Many users suffer from not being able to fall or stay asleep. While sleeping tablets are effective, it has a high risk of dependence and addiction. However, taking a few puffs from the cannabidiol vape pen can quickly calm the brain down at night. This allows one to settle down and fall asleep.
  • Anxiety – It quickly acts to reduce symptoms of anxiety and panic. This is especially beneficial in users who suffer from frequent panic attacks.
  • Pain relief – When the compound is vaped, it activates the serotonin receptors, which increases the neurotransmitter that induces pain relief. It is stated that the compound can reduce 30% of pain experienced.
  • Mood elevation – Since the compound can affect serotonin, it also has a part in uplifting one’s mood.
  • Seizure prevention – The rapid effects can help users who suffer from constant seizures.
  • Assistance in smoking cessation – Using CBD vape oil has shown considerable effects in helping nicotine smokers quit smoking. The compound helps with the withdrawal effects such as nausea.


Is CBD Vape Oil Safe?

Although the method of vaping has been around for a while and is popular among many groups, this question still looms around. According to experts, vaping is considered relatively safe, with little or toxicity at all.

When vaping the compound, users must ensure that they get high-quality products. The best CBD vape oil will have a clear list of its ingredients, with no potentially harmful chemicals or additives in the e-juice/e-liquid. The presence of excessive or potent additives can irritate the lungs or dilute the effects of the compound.

It is also important to note any allergies that patients might have to any of the ingredients present in the juice. CBD oil vape juice will not produce any euphoria when vaped, yet yields an extensive list of benefits from pain and anxiety relief, to insomnia relief and more.
