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What Are the Perks of Using Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds?

Do you wish to venture into the cannabis growing industry but don’t understand the type of plants to grow? If you’re out looking for marijuana genetics, you may wish to consider planting autoflowering weed seeds .These seeds have multiple perks that make them an ideal option for reaping the numerous perks of the cannabis industry. If you don’t understand why autoflowering plants are critical, please continue reading to find their many draws and why you may consider them for your next growth.

What are autoflowering marijuana plants?

These marijuana seeds originate from the ruderalis strain and grow independent of the illumination conditions and schedules applicable while growing photoperiod plants. The flowering of autoflowering plants depends on their age rather than the lighting conditions. Because of their short maturity, autoflowering plants are easy to manage in various settings. And this is the primary reason why many growers are buying autoflowering weed seeds.

Advantages of Autoflowering cannabis seeds

Some of the perks of using these strains are as follows:

  • Short maturity: are you looking for a marijuana seeds that mature quickly and are easy to manage? Autoflowering seeds are a perfect solution for you. Strains that take an extended period may be subject to various environmental issues, which may increase the cost of managing them. While photoperiod cannabis plants may take a minimum of four months to mature, the autoflowering cannabis plants grow within two months. Therefore, you don’t need to wait for an extended period to consume your precious ingredients. Harvesting your plants sooner can also enable you to go for many planting runs within a year, which boosts your income.
  • More harvests in a season: when you harvest your plants sooner, you get the space to plant another round within the season. This means that you may have two harvests with a single season, contrary to photoperiod plants that only have a single crop. So, when looking for the best weed seeds, autoflower strains should be on the top of your list.
  • Discreetness: the maximum height of autoflowering plants is 100cm. Because of their firm size and fast growth, growers can run and pull down their setup fast. Furthermore, you can grow the plants on various hidden corners of your home space, such as balconies. This way, you hide them from the sight of evil individuals and the public in general. You, too, can enjoy the perks of cannabis seeds by visiting for more information.
  • Excellent for covert growing: Although cannabis growing is legal in most US regions, there is some stigma attached to it. So, many growers may like to expand it stealthily to avoid the public or authorities’ glare. If you’re looking for the best seeds to grow secretly, then autoflowering cannabis is your best bet. You can easily conceal your short autoflowering plant among your tomatoes or other garden shrubs.
  • Minimal worry about lighting schedules: One of the essential elements of cannabis growing is the lighting system. While most cannabis strains thrive well under specific lighting settings, the autoflowering strain operates independently of the lighting schedules. And this is what makes it the perfect choice for many growers. If you’ve autoflowering plants, your fear of switching lighting schedules is no longer there as the plant can blossom in any program.
  • No worry about light leaks: While growing photoperiodic plants, the leakage of light into the growing room during the dark phase can minimize your yields. Remember, illumination leaks can penetrate through tears on your tent or come from street lights in the evening if your farm is outdoor. Besides minimizing your yields, light leaks can also prolong the maturity period of your cannabis plants. With an autoflowering cannabis plant, the leakage headache is removed from you as the flowering can do well even with light leakage.
  • Resistance to harsh weather conditions and diseases: Most cannabis strains are susceptible to extreme weather elements. Their exposure to these adverse situations may reduce yields or damage the plant altogether. Whether your area experiences freezing temperatures or has multiple cannabis diseases, you can rest assured that autoflowering plants can offer better resistance. So, no need to worry about algae, mildew, fungi, and other disease-causing agents.
  • Minimal nutrient requirements: because of their fast development and small structure, autoflowering plants need minimal nutrients. And this is good news when your budget is low. Unlike photoperiodic plants that require consistent feeding, autoflowering strains can thrive with or without much fertilizer.


If you’re struggling to select the best strains, you should consider choosing autoflowering cannabis seeds because of their multiple perks. Whether you want to plunge into cannabis farming whole hog or as a part-time activity, you should go for autoflowering grains because they require minimal attention, consume fewer nutrients, and can offer you bountiful yields. With these plants, you’ll minimize your pressure, knowing that they withstand harsh conditions.
