La Féerie des Jeux au Casinozer: Plongée au Cœur de l'Excitation et de l'Inconnu dans l'Univers des Jeux de Hasard

Au cœur de la scène des jeux de hasard, se dresse majestueusement le Avis Casinozer Sans wager, une véritable merveille de l'industrie du divertissement. Avec plus de 1000 jeux différents, allant des machines à sous aux jeux de table en passant par les vidéo poker, les joueurs sont sûrs de trouver leur bonheur. Les machines à sous les plus populaires telles que "Richesse Infinie" et "Trésors Anciens" attirent les foules enthousiastes à chaque instant de la journée.

Dans l'arène des jeux de table, le Casinozer ne déçoit jamais. Les amateurs de blackjack, de roulette et de poker ont à leur disposition de multiples variantes pour pimenter leur expérience. Que ce soit en affrontant le croupier au blackjack ou en misant sur le bon numéro à la roulette, l'adrénaline et l'excitation sont toujours au rendez-vous. Essayer de Jouer Casinozer Casino pour Gagnants est l'occasion rêvée de plonger dans un monde où la chance et la stratégie se rencontrent.

Les animations régulières et les tournois organisés par le Casinozer ajoutent une dimension supplémentaire à l'expérience des joueurs. Les "Soirées VIP" offrent des récompenses exclusives et des avantages spéciaux aux membres les plus fidèles. De plus, le programme de fidélité "Club des Gagnants" récompense les joueurs assidus avec des points convertibles en crédits de jeu ou des cadeaux de luxe. Chaque visite au Casinozer est une aventure unique, où les surprises et les gains inattendus ne sont jamais loin.

En explorant les recoins mystérieux du Casinozer, les joueurs peuvent découvrir des jeux exclusifs et des fonctionnalités uniques. La machine à sous "Trésors Cachés" propose des jackpots progressifs faramineux, tandis que la table de poker "Roi du Bluff" mettra à l'épreuve les compétences des joueurs les plus aguerris. Les noms des gagnants affluent constamment sur le panneau d'affichage des victoires, témoignant de la générosité et de la diversité des jeux proposés. Essayer de Jouer Avis Casinozer Retrait instantané pour Gagnants est la promesse d'une aventure palpitante et enrichissante dont on se souviendra longtemps.

Waffle & Bellini Hour: At the Luxurious Bob Bob Ricard in Soho

Can you believe, this is my first time at Bob Bob Ricard? Perhaps one of this cities best known restaurants, famed for it’s Champagne and oodles of caviar, for some reason I’ve just never managed the chance to visit – until now that is. The restaurant, in the heart of Soho on Upper James St, serves a luxurious menu of British and Russian cuisine to an equally luxurious clientele – yet there’s not an ounce of stuffiness here and the service is some of the finest in the area.

Step inside and if you haven’t made the effort to put your best shirt on, you’ll certainly wish you did. It’s stunning. Gold and copper tones, rich shades of royal blue, perfectly positioned lighting to make you look good in every reflection and an almost Orient Express style to the individual booths, which are all equipped with that oh-so important “Press for Champagne” button.

Of course, it didn’t take us long or indeed much persuasion to press that magic button – where glasses of Champagne magically appear at your table. I could only imagine if Absolutely Fabulous was still running on TV, that automatic Champagne refilling fridge would have now evolved into this button and Bob Bob Ricard would be their new favourite restaurant.

Once we finished that glass of bubbles, we order one of the famous Bellinis. I have to admit, I was expecting a rather ordinary flute with little to get excited about – but this was the most beautiful and delicious Champagne Bellini I’ve ever had the pleasure of sipping. A gorgeous glass, filled with a rather heady amount of Champagne and a thick, rich foam to make every sip heavenly. I think I’d come back just to enjoy one of these again.

“The” Waffle, created by brand new head chef Tom Peters and made to order using specially-commissioned waffle irons is without a doubt going to be the best waffle you’ll ever eat. It’s grown up, refined, beautifully presented and can be served with a variety of delicious toppings. It’s rather large too, which for the price (starting from £9), it’s also fantastic value for money and I struggled to finish mine.

As for the toppings, it can be served topped with whipped Guernsey cream, organic crispy bacon or seasonal fruit. If that’s wasn’t already good enough, you can choose between regular or truffle maple syrup. We ordered the “The Truffle Waffle” which we topped with the most sensational organic crispy bacon, Cornish salted butter and fresh truffle maple syrup which was lovely. Looking back, a touch of that Guernsey cream on the side with this waffle would have made it even better – but it was still utterly delicious. Also perhaps an ice cream version wouldn’t be a bad idea or an experimental “weekend special”.

Having not been to Bob Bob Ricard before, I thought this was a fantastic introduction to the restaurant and the perfect way to develop what I hope will be a long new relationship – filled with lots of Champagne. Plus they have a steak tartare I’ve heard so much about which warrants an imminent return. Would we come back for this Waffle & Bellini Hour? Absolutely. It’s a fantastic way to start your day and the perfect excuse to spend the rest of the afternoon in my favourite part of London – Soho!

NB: My meal was complimentary. All views are as always, my own. My views are not influenced by anyone other than my own palate and slightly poor eyesight.


  1. September 16, 2020 / 12:05 pm

    Well, this sounds absolutely mouthwateringly good! I’ve always wanted to go here, purely for that ‘press for champagne’ button haha. The interior looks lovely though, and it looks like a great spot for a date night. The waffle sounds delicious and reasonably priced considering the organic/luxury ingredients used. I do love a sweet waffle personally with vanilla sauce and fruit 🙂

  2. September 24, 2020 / 3:24 pm

    I don’t think this could be any more fabulous! What incredible interiors!