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CBD-Infused Food & Edibles – the Best Way to Get Your CBD Fix?

If you haven’t heard of it already, CBD is something that you really should know about. There is currently an explosion of all things CBD going on all over the world,  and according to the Brightfield Group, the CBD industry in the US alone has risen by 708% since 2018.

Cannabidiol – or CBD for short – is a natural compound that is found in the cannabis plant. It can be extracted using the same method as the decaffeination process from the cannabis plant, enabling you to reap the rewards from the goodness contained in the plant, without getting high (it is another compound – THC which makes you high).

The human body has a system known as the endocannabinoid system. It is a system that helps to keep the body well-balanced and in a state of homeostasis – regulated and with the body in the ideal environment to work properly. The endocannabinoid system works through the interaction between cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids – cannabinoids that are produced naturally by the body.

CBD and THC are both also cannabinoids and when they are taken, they can interact with the cannabinoid receptors in a similar way. Whilst we’re on the subject of CBD, have you claimed your Receptra Naturals coupon code?

The endocannabinoid system can affect a number of biological systems, including:

  • The Immune System
  • The Central Nervous System
  • The Digestive System
  • Mood
  • Inflammation
  • Skin

With a well-functioning endocannabinoid system, you can give your health and well-being a boost as well as potentially help other health problems. If you’re looking for some solid information about CBD, how to use it and also shop it, then is a great source. Selling high quality products and telling you everything you need to know about CBD.

Taking CBD

There are a number of ways that you can take CBD, including sub-lingual drops, vaping and topicals. However, one of the most popular – and, let’s face it, the most fun and satisfying ways to take it, is through edibles. Whether you buy your edibles ready-made or make them yourself, edibles are a great way to take CBD, which will make its effect last all day.

When you take CBD as an edible or capsule it passes through the digestive system and is absorbed in the same way as the nutrients from your food. This means that it can take a couple of hours to get into the bloodstream and come into effect. It does also mean, however, that it can stay in your system for up to about eight hours.

Ready-Made CBD Edibles

For some people, buying their CBD edibles is the way forward. There are hundreds of CBD products out there, but you should do your research before parting with your money.

One of the most traditional CBD edibles are gummies. They are useful because they can give you accurate dosages, are easy to eat and are (usually) delicious. Whenever you buy CBD products it is important to do your research so that you know that you are getting good quality CBD. CBD Shopy has a good article detailing the best CBD gummies to buy in the UK – in terms of the quality of CBD, the company and the eating experience.

Other ready-made CBD edibles include capsules (which can be just swallowed as you would any other food supplement), baked goods such as cakes or pastries, other sweets, chocolates, sauces and drinks.

CBD lends itself well to food with a high level of fat, as fat is useful to help it to become absorbed into the body. This is another reason why edibles are such a great way to take it.

CBD edibles can be bought online but are also appearing increasingly on the high street and online with brands like ZenBears. CBD cold drinks are becoming more popular, CBD cafes, cocktails and coffee with a shot of CBD added is commonplace in the eateries of Britain’s trendiest areas.

Making your own CBD Edibles

The alternative to buying your CBD edibles ready-made is making your own. Although this might bring to mind the space cakes that you regret eating when you were a teenager, try to put that out of your head. Firstly, CBD won’t make you high, and secondly, you won’t regret a thing!

Of course, the best thing about making your own CBD edibles is that you get to put it into food that you know that you like, and you also get complete control over the amount of CBD that you are taking.

When they are making their own CBD edibles, most people use CBD oil. This saves a lot of time and hassle compared to using a low THC cannabis plant.

It is important to bear in mind the fact that some fat will help your body to absorb the CBD, but other than that, the world really is your oyster!

Many people like to put a few drops of their CBD oil into sauces, soups or baking as it is easy to add and can be dispersed equally.

Getting the Right Dosage

Whereas the ready-made edibles can give you a very accurate way of measuring just how much CBD you are taking, things can be less accurate when you are making your own edibles.

Firstly, you need to remember that you need to add the right amount of CBD for your dosage per portion. If you are cooking four portions of soup, you need to put in four times your normal dose, for example.

You might also find that heat can affect your CBD strength so you might need to experiment with dosages when you are cooking with it.

Another tip is that you shouldn’t bother trying to use CBD oil to fry things. It doesn’t taste great and will lose some of its properties – in fact, although you might release extra terpenes when you warm it up, CBD will start to vaporise at about 200°C.

It is also important to note that CBD oil is not the same as hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is made by cold pressing the seeds of the hemp plant, which have no CBD in them. Although hemp oil is nutritional and can be valuable to a healthy diet (it includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, the perfect ratio of Omega 6 (linoleic/LA) and Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic/LNA) fatty acids, antioxidants and a wealth of other goodness) there is absolutely no CBD in it.

There is a reason why we are seeing such a rise in the popularity of CBD all over the world, and CBD edibles are making it even more accessible to more people. It is safe to take, not addictive and has no long term side effects. If, however, you are taking medication you should discuss it first with your doctor before you try it as it can change the way that the body processes some medication.
