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Exploring the Best Golf Course in the World at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives

Perhaps this post is a little out of context, considering I’m The Foodaholic – but it was just too magnificent to be hidden in a big blog post and not given its own dedicated article. Tucked away in the southern most part of Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa is a golf course of dreams. It feels like a separate private island, yet it’s only separated by small driveway and a tiny entrance gate. This isn’t just a golf course – this is the best golf course in the world.





Villingili Golf Course is a thing of utter beauty. I explored it the first time on bicycle given how large it was, roaming my way through every pathway and hidden entrance. Blue oceans surround the golf course and the lawns are manicured to pure perfection. Designed and managed by Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Villingili Golf Course is a total of  seven-and-a-half hectares – it is gigantic. You can even see our water villa lurking in the background above the turquoise blue waters. This nine-hole golf course is the only one of its kind in the Maldives and includes par three and par four holes, which average a length of 112 metres.





Not only is this a golf course, but an area full of nature, wildlife, trees, fruits and flowers. Two birds I found very common in the southern part of the island, were the fast running Whimbrel’s with their elongated beaks and Maldivian Waterhen’s with their dark black backs and white breasts. We also discovered these intriguing swaying palm-like trees covered in bright orange and green fruits – at least I think they were at a guess.




What’s even more amazing is that as you make your way around the golf course, you’ll find bushes and hidden walkways which give way to secluded private beaches. Hidden areas you never knew existed can be all yours without anyone ever knowing. Pebbled beaches with room for a couple, white sand seclusions for just one or rocky hideouts for the local crabs and lobsters. Did I mention you can even host your own BBQ here or attend on one of the hosted nights? I knew my foodie side would prevail! You can even follow the signs to the corners of the world and swim your way back – though I don’t know why you’d want to leave this paradise.





Head a little further through the golf course and you’ll eventually discover Mount Villingili. The world’s smallest mountain. That’s right – you heard correctly. This tiny 5.1 meters high mountain (of sorts) has been officially certified as the highest point in the Maldives – a place which is known for being the flattest and lowest country. When I saw you could climb it on the itinerary, I was thinking that I didn’t have the right climbing gear – if only I knew flip-flops would suffice! Located at tee number eight on the golf course it is still an experience to be had. You can even take home an official certificate to say you’ve climbed such a mount. Did I mention this is also the only golf course in the Maldives?






Wildlife is in abundance on this golf course. Fruit bats hang from the trees and flying foxes watch golfers patiently before flying across your path. The flying foxes are surprisingly much bigger than you may think too – so watch out! Coconut trees could be seen coming to first life in the bushes at the centre of the course and a good selection of creepy spiders for snapping photos. Both humans and animals really are at one here and it’s incredible to see them so close and in their natural habitat.




Close to the end of the course you’ll come across one of the most spectacular things I came across – a secluded lake filled with large fish and the exciting part – jellyfish! Blue jellyfish to be precise. You can’t quite notice it from my photos, but they completely cover the lake floor and you can see them moving ever so slowly below the fish. Complete translucent species can even be seen closer to the waters top, if you look closely enough.

As you leave the golf course you’ll come across a much-needed clubhouse serving drinks and snacks. It can get very hot during the day so approach with caution and play in the mornings or late afternoons. Especially if you’re as pale as me. We had such a wonderful experience at this golf course and while it’s perfect for hitting a few balls, novice or expect. It’s also great for simply walking or cycling around. It’s so peaceful and serene here you’ll feel as though you have it all to yourself. It may not be the best golf course in the world officially – but it’s certainly the best I have ever seen.

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    • January 11, 2017 / 10:14 pm

      Wow now that is detail!! What has been your favourite hotel in the Maldives in your opinion? I’m looking to head back soon.

  1. January 11, 2017 / 7:24 pm

    Perhaps the world’s most beautiful golf course!

    • January 11, 2017 / 10:15 pm

      It really is!!