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REVIEW: Hunter 486, The Arch Hotel, Marble Arch, London

I have been a bit sad as of lately. Over the last few years I’ve been a regular visitor to the Marble Arch area for work and over that time I’ve been spending it in one of my favourite restaurants in London, Sixty One Marble Arch. Sadly that restaurant is no more as of the last few weeks and personally, I’m blaming location. So with its recent disappearance, I’ve felt a little lost when visiting Marble Arch – until I discovered Hunter 486. A hidden restaurant nestled deep within the uber modern Arch Hotel, directly opposite the London residence of Madonna – though you didn’t here that from me.




Apart from the hotel looking fabulous, the restaurant is too. Beautiful lights dangling from the ceiling, rich red leather, an open kitchen complete with roaring fire and my personal favourite part – a Champagne lounge. We of course divulged in a glass of bubbles, followed by a stunning cocktail shaken up by the talented mixologists working behind the glitzy bar. A firm favourite was the spicy ginger concoction, full of flavour, heat and a good alcoholic bite. As well as a great restaurant, the bar is a destination in itself.



The menu here is mostly British, with occasional nods to the Mediterranean. It’s all about the flavours. Don’t expect fussy, Michelin starred cooking – but plates full of quality produce. We started with two very accomplished plates of food and first out was the cured beef with artichokes, rocket, sun blushed tomatoes and Parmesan. Admittedly it didn’t look much, but what it lacked in presentation it gave in flavour. The perfect Summer dish. Soused mackerel with pickled vegetables and horseradish cream was again a lovely showcase of ingredients and that mackerel was oh-so juicy. The horseradish cream was a lovely accompaniment against the fish, with a touch of that trademark heat.


Star dish of the evening had to be this stunning rack of lamb with crushed potatoes, baby vegetables and creamy herb broth. Very British, very delicious and perfectly cooked. It paired incredible well with our zesty and grassy New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc which our waiter so kindly kept topping up. A must order dish.





Rose County rib eye was yet another stunning focus on quality. Approximately 300g of perfectly cooked meat, medium-rare, well-seasoned and carrying a lovely smokey flavour which ran through it like silk. Accompanied by a pot of well-made Bearnaise sauce and grilled mushroom. The side of tomato salad topped with chopped onion and olive oil drizzle was again simple, but perfect. This is the sort of food you could eat everyday.




Sadly we weren’t staying overnight here at The Arch Hotel, but it’s highly advisable if eating at Hunter 486. Ordering three courses will almost certainly send you into food coma state and all you’ll want is a bed. That’s exactly how we felt before dessert even arrived. A luscious offering of melt-in-the-middle chocolate fondant and a trifle to take you back to your childhood.

I may have been a little sad about the recent disappearance of my favourite Marble Arch restaurant, but sometimes a silver lining appears and in this case – it’s Hunter 486. A simple, perfectly formed restaurant serving British food and with a Champagne lounge to melt your heart. What more could you possibly want?

Hunter 486 Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

I was invited to review


  1. August 3, 2016 / 7:35 pm

    Oooh the soused mackerel sounds delish! And the chocolate pudding’s not bad looking either!

    • August 3, 2016 / 10:29 pm

      It was a lovely simple meal! x

    • August 29, 2016 / 8:02 pm

      will have to order the steak next time!