La Féerie des Jeux au Casinozer: Plongée au Cœur de l'Excitation et de l'Inconnu dans l'Univers des Jeux de Hasard

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REVIEW: Luna at Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

I’m not sure why, but Malta has never been a place that’s interested me. Somehow i managed to find myself here though – and it probably had something to do with the cheap hotel and flight prices. Frankly it was cheaper to fly to Malta, than get a train to Scotland – and I’m not joking, check for yourself. My only tips for visiting Malta are stay in a town at the south of the island, and drink plenty or Rose wine. Why? Because it’s the only decent wine Malta does well, and it will cost you no more than £9 a bottle in restaurants.
Luna at Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

Buses go absolutely everywhere in Malta. On one of those exploring trips where we’d get off in remote towns we ended up in the pretty idyllic place that was called, Naxxar. Palazzo Parisio (at the top of a hill) is a palace, quite literally. A stunning mansion dating back to 1898, if not earlier and is steeped in History. We chose to dine in its garden which as you can see, set behind our silver wine bucket was stunning.

Mixed bruschetta at Luna Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

Food here is expensive, but you are paying for the experience. This is where the elite of Malta dine. Our starter of mixed bruschetta was a little simple, but well executed. Classic style, tzatziki & tomato, Parmesan & peppers, slow cooked mushrooms and olive tapenades – were just a few of the toppings. This dish was classed as starter for one, but good luck if you can finish it all. A lovely, simple start to our meal which is really meant to be shared.

Broad bean soup at Luna Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

For a very hot day, broad bean soup with bacon and crouton was probably a bad idea – but at least a delicious one. Thick, and loaded with peppers it was a lovely refined soup missing just a dash of salt to turn it in to foodie heaven. The bacon was lovely and crispy and croutons went to that extra mile to look great on the plate, along with a sprinkling of some lavender salt around the edges.

Lamb at Luna Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

The dish i most enjoyed on my trip to Malta was this beauty, pictured above. A huge piece of tender lamb which looked more like a bouquet of flowers covered in gravy was so good its beyond words. The potatoes were crunchy things of beauty and all the veg, while a little old fashioned was cooked really well with that all important crunch. The sauce was a medley of wild mushrooms and cream and was seasoned with a ambitious amount of pepper – but don’t let that put you off, it’s still every bit as good.

Bolognese at Luna at Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

Classic Italian bolognese was the least most exciting dish of our lavish dining affair. The pasta needed a minute more boiling away and the sauce was missing that extra bit of seasoning. The meat was lovely and soft, but everything else was really lacking. It looked great on the plate, but that was about it. More lavendar salt made an appearance around the plate.

Banoffee pie at Luna at Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

Palazzo Parisio’s version of banoffee pie was a real treat with a fantastic, if not elaborate presentation. A buttery biscuit tart filled with cream, lots of sweet toffee sauce, and banana. The whole thing was finished off with shards of dark chocolate, pistachio and ginger snap. Another delicious, but heavy dish,  especially with a not a single cloud and 27 degrees shining down on you. Two hours later and i noticed my lobster complexion, the weird looks on the way back to my hotel should have gave it away.

Gardens at Luna Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar, Malta

After lunch we explored some more of the fragrant flourishing gardens. The Luna restaurant at Palazzo Parisio is no culinary revelation, in fact it’s a little dated – but it works. And while prices may not make it especially good value for money (main courses around £25) it’s a meal you’ll never forget and be hard pushed to find something like it.

